Instructions to authors
General informations:
Authors of oral contributions and of posters are invited to provide camera-ready papers for publications in the Proceedings of the V International Workshop on Advances in Signal Processing for Non Destructive Evluation of Materials (5th IWASPNDE) which will be published again as a book like previous workshops. Authors are asked to assign copyright to 5th IWASPNDE by filling the Copyright transfer form provided.
Camera-ready papers written according to the Instructions to authors will be accepted at 5th IWASPNDE, at the conference booth on August 2nd, 2005. Authors are encouraged to provide also their computer disk so that minor adjustements can be made directly and their abstract could be then easily included on the IWASPNDE WWW home page.
All papers delivered on August 2nd will be reviewed. No delay will be given in order to keep the publication process as short as possible. Criteria for acceptance are:
- paper written according to Instructions to authors,
- drawing clean and clear, no handwritten symbols,
- high scientific level,
- previous work properly mentioned,
- clearly and well written, good English.
Specific rules:
Sheet format: US Letter (8 1/2x11 in. = 21.6x27.9 cm, white), the font to be used is Helvetica (or Arial) with the following size:
- title: 18 pts, justified, bold,
- author list: 14 pts, right aligned,
- affiliation: 10 pts, justified, italic,
- abstract/keyword list: 10 pts, justified,
- headings: 11 pts, left adjusted, bold,
- text: 11 pts, justified, with 10 pts between paragraphs.
Text area is 7" = 17.8 cm(width)x9" = 22.9 cm(height). Top and bottom margins are 1 in. = 2.5 cm. Left and Right margins are 0.75 in. = 1.9 cm.
Headings and sub-heandings are numbered as follow: 1/1.1/1.1.1.
Allow an indentation of 0.2 in. = 0.5 cm from the left margin for each paragraph.
Words in the text that are to be emphasized should not be underline but typed in italics.
References in the text must be called and reported in the reference section with square brackets. See the example for more details.
Equations are numbered sequentially with numbers enclosed within parenthesis and aligned on the right margin. Equations are located at 1 in. = 2.5 cm from the left margin.
Figures are not gathered at the end of the manuscript but inserted at the most appropriate location within the text. Only high quality laser prints are acceptable. Type legends to figures in single lines spacing (10 pts) and place them below the figures. Laser prints are included directly into the manuscript.
Due to high cost, there will be no color section in the Proceedings.
An abstract of 70 to 100 words should be prepared and included with the manuscript (See the example).
Abbreviations and symbols should follow the accepted international standards.
Tables must be numbered and, if possible, have a title. Please mark them out in the text in italics (table1).
A Keyword list should be inserted between the abstract and the text. These keywords will be used to build up the Proceedings index. Please list up to 10 keywords.
A maximum of six(6) pages is allowed including figures. Longer manuscripts will be rejected and authors will be asked to condense their work.
Authors are encouraged to submit their paper (excluding figures) in a suitable electronic format (accepted format are Adobe Frame Maker and Microsoft Word for PC on CD disk or by e-mail in attached document). Zipped files are fine.
Pagination: number pages must be written on the back in light blue crayon only. The final pagination will be done by the Publisher.
The original manuscript complete with three photocopies and with the computer disk and the Copyright tranfer form should be handed in the registration desk on August 2nd, 2005.
Enquiries should be addressed to Workshop Secretariat.
Example (.pdf format)
Copyright transfer form